When we experience tension in our body, it’s usually the result of tight and contracted muscles for long periods of time. The feeling of tenderness in certain areas, aches and pain all over or a heavy weight sitting on your muscles, without injury, are sometimes symptoms of stress tension.

Unfortunately, the reasons behind having these feelings of pain and discomfort are not always easy to determine. Muscle tension, aches and pains, or tender areas can be caused by several factors, like a physical job or activity that relies on repetitive movements, a strenuous workout or, as mentioned already, excessive amounts of psychological stress.

If the body experiences reoccurring stress responses, it can become repeatedly overexposed to cortisol and other related stress hormones, which can lead to long-term concerns such as chronic pain. Any tension in the body is not a great feeling, and it can cause some people major life hurdles.

Have you ever heard that old adage “you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders”? Well, it’s not entirely wrong for many people! There are joints and nerves in the neck that can cause neck pain from muscle spasms, which can arise suddenly or overtime. Most musculoskeletal pain in the upper extremities can be linked to stress. Other factors include poor posture and sometimes injury.

Muscle tension in the legs is fairly common and can also be linked directly to stress. A panic attack or tossing and turning in bed can cause muscle tension in the legs. However, most muscle tension in the legs is likely the result of overuse, such as lots of walking, running or working out at the gym. On the other hand, the sheer lack of movement can also cause tension, as leg muscles can feel stiff after periods of no movement. It’s important to find a happy medium of walking and sitting in order to prevent overuse as well as underuse.

Did you know that feet have over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments? So, it’s completely natural that we can feel stress tension in our feet! When a stress response is triggered, adrenaline pumps to vital organs, and can leave less blood flow in your feet and ankles. The stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, can cause changes to our circulation system and our muscles to tense up. This is why some people experience discomfort in the feet after anxiety attacks.

One of the best ways to address stress tension in our body is to increase blood flow and reduce muscle tightness through massage therapy. Massage stimulates the production of endorphins which act as an analgesic in the body and provide a feeling of wellbeing. Endorphins help to counterbalance the accumulation of adrenaline and cortisol and to reduce their effect on mental and physical health. The therapeutic and relaxing results of massage therapy can work wonders.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of stress tension book an appointment now. We have a dedicated and knowledgeable team ready to provide you with all the tools you need to take control of your health.

If you have questions and would like to speak with any of our PROTx Services teams about our professional therapy services, give us a call today.