With our Online Workshop Series our practitioners, such as physiotherapists and chiropractors, are getting out of their comfort zone and in front of the camera! At PROTx, client centred care sometimes means helping to educate people before they even become clients! We understand that not everyone is ready/able to come in for care, but they need information to help them cope with injuries and ailments, and to make a decision about care. PROTx has been hosting a series of free online workshops on topics such as Back Pain & Sciatica, Neck Pain & Stiffness and, next up, is the Causes and Treatment Options for Headaches. Each session provides education on the anatomy of the area, the factors that can cause  issues and the steps you can take yourself as well as how health professionals can assist you.  Registration information is posted on our Facebook pages about a week before the session. Have a topic you would like to see covered? Email it to clientservices@protxservices.ca